Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Premiere

So I've always wanted to write, but life is too hectic to sit and write an organized book and my random one liners on Facebook aren't quite giving me the expression. So I've started a blog. Cliche? Overdone? Probably. But it's going to be my creative contribution for now, so read it or don't, judge nicely. You know who you are. And I am okay with that, I am not in high school anymore.

Have you ever considered what the soundtrack to your life would be? I have. I do. I could have a soundtrack for every day, maybe even hourly. I will even put a playlist at the end of every blog. This is where this blog's title surfaced. I am a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom), raising three determined, head-strong, brilliant, spiritual, busy girls. Daily, I rejoice in my vocation as much as I debate. What am I doing? Isn't there more to this life than running? Running is also my hobby...I live to run. Literally, I run between 1-3 miles a day, but I also vacillate between running to drop the girls to and from school, running errands, running through the house to pick up trails of toys and laundry and running the girls to and from their sports. Running to get them through dinner, homework and finally, to bed. So by the time my head hits my pillow, I think, should I be doing something greater? And my head plays back through my daily guessed it, still running.

The chaos part? Did you miss the part about raising three GIRLS? Maybe drama would be a better word. It's a beautiful messy chaos, and I wouldn't love doing anything more. My days are filled with finding joyful abandon in each adventure...trying to stay on top of the latest tweenage revelations, keeping up with my precocious and independent 6 year-old and bringing out the spirit in my quiet middle child. So in between running with them, looking for the nearest Starbucks drive-thru and trying to remind myself of who I am in the middle of it all, my soundtrack continues.

Hope you find as much adventure reading about my life as I hope to find in writing about it. Stay tuned...the music is sweet, intense, raging and soul-filled. Hope you start thinking about the tunes that keep your day beating.

Today's Playlist

Clair de Lune
Cover Your Tracks - A Boy and His Kite
SkyFall - Adele
Part of Me - Katy Perry
Follow Me - Muse
Solar Midnite - Lupe Fiasco
This is the Stuff - Francesca Battistelli
Blue Does - Blue October
Show Stopper - Toby Mac
Hey Devil - Toby Mac

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Can't wait to hear more and I enjoyed your playlist.
